DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) added

by SavvySender Monday, June 16, 2014 1:32 PM EST

We are pleased to announce DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) has been added to Savvy Sender! DKIM helps validate the sender through authentication, which means improved delivery of your emails! Per

“DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) lets an organization take responsibility for a message that is in transit.  The organization is a handler of the message, either as its originator or as an intermediary. Their reputation is the basis for evaluating whether to trust the message for further handling, such as delivery. Technically DKIM provides a method for validating a domain name identity that is associated with a message through cryptographic authentication.”

Learn more about DKIM on the website.

Sign up today and get a FREE 500 contact plan. Contact us if you are new to email marketing or you need help getting started.

Simplified & improved billing page

by SavvySender Wednesday, June 11, 2014 4:46 PM EST

We have simplified and improved our billing page to enhance the ease of use. Some notable additions and improvements:

  • New: Current number of contacts
    • Bar showing usage out of the amount available in the current plan
  • New: Current amount of disk space used
    • Bar showing usage out of the amount available in the current plan
  • New: Ability to upgrade and/or change plans
  • Updated: In addition to displaying the current billing cycle, “Next Billing Cycle” has been added to show when the next billing cycle will begin and end

Please contact us if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions.

Interested in email marketing? Get started today and get a FREE 500 contact plan!

Supercharge your website, app, or program with our new API

by SavvySender Monday, March 31, 2014 9:13 PM EST

Developers rejoice! The Savvy Sender team has been hard at work on a new way to send messages, campaigns, and emails through our new application programming interface (API). Use our API in your website, app (iOS, Android, Windows Phone, etc.), or program to send sign up welcome emails, order notifications, newsletters, or any other creative use you can come up with!

Contact Savvy Sender Support for more information or to get your API key today!

Interested in using our email marketing API? Sign up today and get a FREE 500 contact plan!

Happy New Year!

by SavvySender Thursday, January 02, 2014 10:16 AM EST

We hope you enjoyed the holidays and are staying warm.

The Savvy Sender team is looking forward to an exciting 2014 with some great new featured planned.

Sign up today and get a FREE 2,000 contact plan. Contact us if you are new to email marketing or you need help getting started.

Gmail now showing email images by default

by SavvySender Thursday, December 12, 2013 1:33 PM EST

Starting today, Gmail is rolling out an update, which will display images by default and no longer require users to click on the “display images below” link. This Gmail improvement should increase open rates for contacts with email addresses.

According to Gmail:

“Have you ever wondered why Gmail asks you before showing images in emails? We did this to protect you from unknown senders who might try to use images to compromise the security of your computer or mobile device.

But thanks to new improvements in how Gmail handles images, you’ll soon see all images displayed in your messages automatically across desktop, iOS and Android. Instead of serving images directly from their original external host servers, Gmail will now serve all images through Google’s own secure proxy servers.

So what does this mean for you? Simple: your messages are more safe and secure, your images are checked for known viruses or malware, and you’ll never have to press that pesky “display images below” link again. With this new change, your email will now be safer, faster and more beautiful than ever.”

See Gmail’s official blog for more information.

Please contact us if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions.

Interested in email marketing? Sign up today and get a FREE 2,000 contact plan!

Import contacts from Yahoo! Contacts and Yahoo! Mail

by SavvySender Monday, August 12, 2013 8:45 AM EST

The Savvy Sender team is excited to announce that contacts can now be imported from Yahoo! Contacts and Yahoo! Mail. This provides another great way to quickly and easily engage with your customers, contacts, and prospects through email marketing!


Please contact us if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions.

Get started today with a FREE 2,000 contact plan.

Import contacts with new OpenDocument Spreadsheet (ODS) file support

by SavvySender Thursday, August 01, 2013 11:06 AM EST

Why waste time converting your import files into a specific file format? Savvy Sender now supports adding/importing contacts by uploading an OpenDocument Spreadsheet (ODS file), which can be created with OpenOffice or other standards based OpenDocument Format (ODF) programs.

Contact us if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions.

Interested in email marketing? Sign up today and get a FREE 2,000 contact plan!

New auto-detection features for importing contacts

by SavvySender Thursday, August 01, 2013 9:34 AM EST

Savvy Sender recently made importing contacts even faster with some great new features and improvements, which reduce the time it takes to start sending your campaigns, messages, and emails!

  • Email address column is automatically detected and mapped
  • Text (*.txt) files automatically detect if columns (fields) are separated/delimited by tab or comma

We have some other exciting new features coming soon, so stay tuned!

Have a question, comment, or suggestion? Contact us.

Sign up today and get a FREE 2,000 contact plan.

Import contacts with new TAB file support

by SavvySender Monday, July 22, 2013 5:20 PM EST

Importing contacts into Savvy Sender just became easier. In addition to Microsoft Excel and CSV upload file support, we now accept TAB files (tab delimited) (*.tab), so instead of worrying about converting your import file, you can spend more time marketing your message!

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions.

Sign up today and get a FREE 2,000 contact plan.

New Built-in Test Messages Make Reviewing Messages/Campaigns Quick & Easy

by SavvySender Friday, July 12, 2013 10:31 AM EST

While you have been outside enjoying the summer, the Savvy Sender team has been hard at work on a great new feature. Introducing test messages, which are now built-in to make sending test emails faster and more fluid!

Test messages allow you to email yourself or others a copy of your message for review before it goes out to your entire list (or lists). This makes it easy to review the visual layout, content, and spelling of the message in your email client (such as Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo! Mail,, Hotmail, etc.).

How do I use the new test messages functionality?

  1. Create your new message/campaign
  2. From the review step, click the “Send Test Message” button (top right)
  3. Select contacts to send a test copy of the message to
  4. Click the yellow “Send Test Message” button

We hope this makes testing your messages, campaigns, and emails quicker and easier!

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions.


If you are looking for a great email marketing service, sign up today and get a FREE 2,000 contact plan.

About Savvy Sender

Savvy Sender is a hosted, free email marketing service, which helps you send engaging emails and track results in real-time.

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