by SavvySender
Tuesday, June 18, 2013 11:52 AM EST
Savvy Sender has always supported including links to your social profiles in messages (which can be setup through the “Account” link at the top of the page when you are logged in); however, we have added a new feature that provides deeper social media integration and allows you to quickly and easily share sent messages on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
To access the new share on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn buttons (which are retroactively available for all sent messages), login to Savvy Sender and click on a sent message to view the email tracking report. In the report, you will see three new share buttons just below the message statistics. Click each button to post to the respective social network. Posting sent messages to social networks is a great way to boost engagement and reuse content for multiple sales channels.
Note: To post as a page on Facebook, login to Facebook and switch to the page before clicking the Share on Facebook button in Savvy Sender.
Please contact us if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions.
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